
性骚扰被定义为不受欢迎的性侵犯, 不受欢迎的性要求, 还有其他不受欢迎的, 口头, 写, 性行为的电子或身体行为:

  1. 对这种行为表示服从, 无论是明确的还是隐含的, 教育条件:个人受教育的条件或条件;
  2. 提交, 或者拒绝, such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for 教育决策 affecting such individual; or,
  3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic performance or creating an 令人生畏的, 敌对的或攻击性的环境.

Examples of Sexually Harassing Conduct or Behavior: Sexually harassing conduct or behavior (regardless of the 性别 of the persons involved) includes:

  1. 身体接触;
  2. 挑逗性或暗示性的性评论;
  3. 暗示的眼神或手势;
  4. 影射:针对他人的笑话、印刷品或含沙射影;
  5. 接受不受欢迎的性行为, 进步, 或者任何性质的性要求作为受教育的条件, 教育决策, 或者继续招生(性压力).

这是一个具有代表性的骚扰行为和行为清单 不打算 详尽无遗.

在师生关系中, 性骚扰的基本要素是不适当的个人关注, including romantic and sexual relationships with a student by an instructor or staff member who is in a position to determine a student’s grade or otherwise affect the student’s academic advancement. 因为师生关系是专业关系和客户关系, the above inappropriate behavior is unacceptable in a college because it is in a form of unprofessional behavior which seriously undermines the atmosphere of trust essential to the academic setting.

The instructor-student relationship should at all times be professional and any conduct by an instructor or staff member which creates a sexually 令人生畏的, 充满敌意的, 或令人反感的环境是不合适和不可接受的.

师生关系在任何时候都应该尊重对方的权利, 以及任何员工造成性威胁的行为, 敌意或冒犯性的环境违反了学院的性骚扰规定.

学生与学生的关系, 师生关系, 师生关系在任何时候都应该尊重彼此的权利, 以及任何造成性威胁的学生行为, 敌意或冒犯性的环境违反了学院的性骚扰规定. 为此目的, 员工不仅包括大学员工, but also all employees of clinics and 年龄ncies affiliated with a college clinical program or course.

Should you be confronted with sexual harassment, promptly notify Shannon Patterson at (706) 771-4013.


买世界杯app推荐高度重视所有学生的安全, 员工和访客. 任何形式的不当性行为都是严格禁止的. 刑事指控可能适用于性犯罪.

  1. 教育项目


  1. 制裁

在确定学生或员工犯了强奸罪后, 熟人强奸, 或者其他性侵犯, 可采用的制裁措施如下:

  • 刑事指控
  • 缓刑
  • 停学和(或)就业
  • 被大学开除
  • 终止雇佣关系
  • 禁止进入大学物业
  1. 受害者的程序

如果你是性侵犯的受害者, 记住细节很重要, 遵循程序并通知相应的学院官员. The single most important thing a victim of rape or sexual assault can do is to tell someone-the police, 我的一个朋友, 医学专业人士, 等. 强奸或性侵犯, 不管是陌生人还是你认识的人, 是不是侵犯了你的身体, 你的信任和选择的权利. 以下是建议遵循的程序:

  • 不洗澡,不洗,不换衣服
  • 保存衣物等证据, 使用避孕套, 毛巾, 可能对调查有用的组织或其他物品.
  • 如果事件发生在校园内,请联系行政服务副校长. 如果事故发生在校外,请拨打911.
  • Victims may also contact other college officials such as the Vice President of Administrative Services to get assistance in notifying appropriate law enforcement and medical personnel.
  • 立即就医. 校园安全部门可以协助寻求医疗救助. 此外,可以通过拨打911联系当地的紧急医疗服务.
  • 寻求心理咨询,帮助治疗精神和情感创伤. Information concerning counseling 服务 available through various 年龄ncies can be obtained by calling Karissa Davis Wright at (706) 771-4067.
  1. 校园纪律处分程序

Disciplinary procedures for students in the event of any criminal incident including sexual offenses are outlined in the Code of Student Conduct section of the College Handbook. 在涉及性犯罪的案件中, the accuser and the accused are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during a campus disciplinary proceeding. Both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding brought alleging sexual assault.

Information concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained by contacting the Criminal Investigation Division of the 奥古斯塔-Richmond County Sheriff Department at 401 Walton Way, 奥古斯塔, 格鲁吉亚30901年, 或致电(706)821-1000. 也, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation maintains a searchable web site of registered sex offenders at www.ganet.org/gbi/sorsch.cgi.


买世界杯app推荐 affirms to all students their right to student and learn in an educational environment free of discrimination or harassment based on their race, color, 信条, 国家或民族出身, 性别, 宗教, 残疾, 年龄, 政治派别或信仰, 资深地位, 遗传信息, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or required by law) (see Statement of Non-Discrimination).

骚扰有时很难与他人交谈. It is uncomfortable and seems ambiguous; it is also something that the college is committed to preventing and resolving if it does occur. 不要害怕寻求帮助. 男人和女人, 谁认为自己是骚扰的受害者, 还有那些观察骚扰的人, 是否应尽早报告此类事件.

College officials will not condone any form of harassment either by its employees or by another student. Any student acting alone or in concert with others who harasses other members of the college community is subject to disciplinary sanctions up to and including dismissal/expulsion. A student aggrieved by an employee of the college or by another student may contact the vice president for student affairs or the individuals identified in the statement of non-discrimination.


  • 任何侮辱, 影射, 或其他反映个人种族的言语或身体行为, color, 国家的起源, 性别/性, 宗教, 年龄, 遗传信息, 或残疾,其目的或效果是制造敌意, 令人生畏的, 或者恶劣的教育环境; has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual's school performance or participation; or otherwise adversely affects an individual's educational opportunities.
  • 拒绝援助:拒绝或提供援助, 好处, 成绩, 奖励, 就业, 教师帮助, 服务, 或基于性挑逗或性要求的治疗.
  • 性的进展, 性要求, and other 口头 or physical conduct of a sexual nature when the perpetrator explicitly or implicitly makes the submission to such conduct a term or condition of an individual's educational career; when the perpetrator uses submission to 或者拒绝 such conduct as a basis for educational decisions affecting the individual; or when such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's educational performance or creating an 令人生畏的, 充满敌意的, 或者恶劣的教育环境.